02 October 2013

California knows how to party

Warning- things are about to get personal up in here.

Hey friends! How have you been this last week? Today was my first day back at work and it was a shit show. Woah language...but really.121 unread emails. Yikes. Other than that, I had the most incredible week of drinking with girlfriends, wedding cake tasting, going to bed at 9:00 PM, & soakin' up as much family time as I can.

I know you feel like I didn't blow up your instagram feed enough for you the past few days...so i'm here to blow you up with even more pictures from my trip. I promise to be back with tutorials and important stuff tomorrow. :)

PS...I didn't edit a single one of these pictures. (there might be an insta filter or two). So enjoy the raw, grainy, sometimes blurry recap of my week in my home town.

3 in the morning. Driving to the airport. No makeup, no sleep...no worries? 

BFF & I at our wedding venue! It was during their Pumpkin Patch season though...so it was decked from top to bottom in Halloween goodness.

San Diego is dry. And Brown. And when you mix the two with fire giant brush fires happen. This one was GIANT. Such a sweet welcome!

I sent Jacob seriously 5 kissy pictures a day. This was my first ever trip traveling without him ANYWHERE & I didn't want him to forget what I look like ;)

CAKE TASTING! 17 samples. I could have barfed after...but it was SO.MUCH.FUN! I love making wedding memories like that one. :)

One of my oldest & dearest friends! Shelby & I met at our Freshman year cheer tryouts (Freshman as in 14 year old High School Freshman). Love her to death.

Snacks & Mimosa's. All you need for a day of wedding crafting :)

CRAFT DAY! It was seriously such a productive day! From the deepest part of my soul I can't say thank you enough to this amazing bridal party & my great family! You guys are the best! We just missed my sister Kassidy, and my other bridesmaid Brooke. I love you all like Tom Cruise loved Katie Holmes circa 2000 something on Oprah.

My sweet cousins. Jake on the right is now taller than me. Breaks my little heart.

Girls making stupid faces. Oh & taking selfies. We are a stereotype. Does it count as a selfie if someone else is in it?

Breakfast with some of my old work girlfriends was totally a trip highlight. How gorgeous are they?! I mean drop dead status. 

Everynight I got to kiss Jake goodnight via facetime. He'd kill me for putting this on the blog. Oh, and don't mind my nostrils. Pretty sure I could fit a small village in there & keep them sheltered from the cold.

These pictures have the best story We were at Yogurt Mill (one of the most "east county" things you can do. And I grew up in East County. So it was perfect). We asked my Maid of Honor, Bree's Mom, to take a photo of the 3 of us, and right before she took the picture she said in her awesome New Yorker accent "Okay girls...say...SEX!". We lost it. If you couldn't tell from the picture above. 

We are all on the verge of another crack up in this picture.

2 of the very best girls I know!!

All in all, it was the greatest time to be home with Friends & Family I love so much, but at the end of the day, home is wherever this handsome fella is.

Until Next Time,


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  1. This post made me miss the wedding planning process so much! Wah!!!

  2. Everything looks gorgeous and yummy and it looks like you had a fantastic time! You're just too darn cute. :P


  3. Looks like you've got a great crew to help with all those DIY Projects!! I look forward to seeing them all put together.
    Be sure to link up with us at The Blogger's Digest today: http://thriftfortoday.blogspot.com/2013/10/as-promised-bloggers-digest-blog-hop.html

  4. What a fun wedding planning trip! =D

  5. Cake tasting!!! that looks like so much fun and wedding memories for sure :) I love the sparkle in your wedding decorations. I can't wait to see it when it's all done. I am sure everything is going to be beautiful, you have great taste. Glad you got to spend time with friends, looks like you had a GREAT time!!!

  6. You are so stinkin' cute. And that hair of yours!!?! You're going to be a gorgeous bride.

  7. Looks like a fun, fun time!! You crack me up too!


  8. Aww I love this post so much!!! Your DIY wedding is going to be gorgeous--I can tell!!

    Planning our wedding was super fun, and it's great to see you enjoying it too! Sometimes it can get stressful, but it's moments like these that we use to remember why we're doing it and how AMAZING that big day is gonna be! :D


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